Sunday, September 19, 2004

[Imported from Blogdrive]Page Moved

Page MovedThere seems to be some problem @provider end for and hence my primary homepage has to shift its location again. Check out the new URL: The migration is expected to be complete with a brand new set of features and look and feel, in the course of this week. As of now, I have just tried to make the website up, with minimal set of features.

Stay Tuned!!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<!--
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        Posted at 06:26 pm by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan




  Original BlogDrive Post on Sunday, September 19, 2004

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

A Cool JavaScript Website

I was searching for some cool JavaScript Menu like Microsoft Outlook Bar and came across this website:

This site is really cool. Check it out. It has a Cool JavaScript DHTML calendar widget with a real exhaustive list of datetime patterns, themes for the calendar, fast loading and appealing to the host application.The Navigation bar and Preference Setting for the website, is sure to enthrall the users and make them visit the website again and again. Add the website to your favorites and check it out...

[Imported from Blogdrive]"My World of .NET" WebLog"

"My World of .NET" -- WebLogFeel free to check out my other weblog --

Whilst shares anything and everything I would like to share, the abovesaid URL restricts information sharing on .NET alone.

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        Posted at 02:56 pm by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan




  Original BlogDrive Post on Wednesday, September 15, 2004

[Imported from Blogdrive]A Cool JavaScript Website

A Cool JavaScript WebsiteI was searching for some cool JavaScript Menu like Microsoft Outlook Bar and came across this website:&nbsp;
This site is really cool. Check it out. It has a Cool JavaScript DHTML calendar widget with a real exhaustive list of datetime patterns, themes for the calendar, fast loading and appealing to the host application.
The Navigation bar and Preference Setting for the website, is sure to enthrall the users and make them visit the website again and again.

Add the website to your favorites and check it out...
< !--
bd_ad_type = 'inline';
bd_ad_id = '90998';


        Posted at 02:38 pm by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan




  Original BlogDrive Post on Wednesday, September 15, 2004

[Imported from Blogdrive]Online Virus Scanners

Online Virus Scanners Virus Scanners are no longer difficult to install, tedious to configure. There are easy to use Online Virus Scanne...