Playing around with WebServicesWeb Services have been a real useful and innovative stuff to bring in seamless integration of applications. With .NET Framework, WebServices are not just tools to implement and integrate heterogeneous and diversified applications, but also WebServices trigger more interest and tempt us to explore more on them, and assures us a definite promising solution to our business problems related to application integrations.
Well! That describes the usual bla bla! Don't worry! I am not going to bore you with that. Perhaps you would have encountered a situation that .NET 1.1 now disables Web Service Post testing via Sample Forms generated for Internet Explorer. Of course, if we need, we can enable them back using Web.Config settings for the WebService application, but it not normally recommended on production servers.
But I just got hold of the following tool called Web Service Studio from, which provides an interactive GUI to manage with WebServices and also invoke WebMethods interactively by giving inputs to various parameters. Thank you, Sowmy
You may check and freely download WebServiceStudio from the following URL: (You need a .NET Passport account to signin to GotDotNet and download files from there) <!--
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Posted at 12:20 pm by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan
Original BlogDrive Post on Wednesday, October 08, 2003