Tuesday, January 27, 2004

[Imported from Blogdrive]Quick-n-Handy Email Filter

Email Remover -- A Quick-n-Handy Email FilterHow many times have you been confronted with a situation that warrants you waiting for a very important business mail and which is being blocked by a big MP3 attachment being carried forward. Since POP3 sessions have a lock enabled, there is no way out to open a different session and download the mails over separate sessions.

Perhaps in those critical sessions, the following tool called EmailRemover, I hope would come in handy to bypass heavy mails or to purge them off the mailserver without getting into the hassles of downloading them.

I just tried to recall this tool out of a need since one big mail was blocking my POP3 downloads today morning. I was searching a bit for this URL and I remembered the author to be Victor Xavier. This URL has some information on the same:


And this has also been updated and an enhanced version is available from here:


Check it out...<!--
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        Posted at 12:35 pm by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan




  Original BlogDrive Post on Tuesday, January 27, 2004

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