I have been using Web2Project for planning my personal and professional tasks for a few years now. Now I have bifurcated the tools into the following:
The only issue I had was to import my addressbook from Web2Project to AB. PP is a different animal. It does not serve as a comprehensive candidate for addressbook and hence I needed this bifurcation.
I wrote up a following simple script to import the contacts to AB. The pre-requisite for this script is to hop on to PhpMyAdmin, export the contacts as a PHP array and then modify the path in our import script to whatever you downloaded from PhpMyAdmin.
Our import script would explode the entries as SQL scripts into the browser window. Copy them and execute into PhpMyAdmin AB database to have the contacts imported.
Script URL: https://gist.github.com/lavanyadeepak/5177500#file-import-php
Script URL: https://gist.github.com/lavanyadeepak/5177500#file-import-php