Saturday, August 23, 2008

Online Vault -- Bullet Proof Password Manager from

Online Vault -- Bullet Proof Password Manager from

We have been trying out dozens of Password Managers since we have zillions of passwords to remember and at least a million that we are forced use on a daily basis for a variety of purposes. Some of the keynotes with respect to the password management tool are:

  1. The tool should be free of spyware and it should not steal your passwords.
  2. The tool should be having strong password generating ability.
  3. The tool should save the passwords with sufficiently strong fortress on the local disk.
  4. The tool should be affordable.
  5. The tool should be easy to use.

On quick analysis, I observed that OnlineVault from seems to a befitting tool to answer the above simple requirements and rather exceed our expectations with a friendly GUI and more advanced features like the following too:

  1. Spyware Terminator Certified Application which states that OnlineVault is a clean and safe-to-use application.
  2. Strong Password generation utility
  3. The tool protects the password stored with a master password.
  4. The tool is free to use.
  5. Flexible and easy to understand GUI.

I hence thought I would share about this tool with other readers for everone's benefit.

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