Monday, September 22, 2008

New Innovative Email Solution

New Innovative Email Solution

With the advent of Google Mail, there had been a real revolution in email technology with a lot of innovations and players entering the arena. I recently came across an interesting provider called ''. I just thought I would review about a few features offered by this provider for the benefit of other readers:

  1. Desktop Look and Feel
  2. Whopping 5 Giga Byte Storage
  3. Pulling up of Email from Multitude of Players like Windows Live, Yahoo, Google Mail, AOL,
  4. Audible alerts on new mail arrival
  5. Upto 10 Email Aliases of different types like Gmx.Fr,, Gmx.Sg
  6. POP3 and IMAP accessibility to your emailbox
  7. AddOn Services:
    1. File Storage upto 1 Giga Bytes
    2. Scheduling Services (Calendar)
    3. Address Book
    4. Powerful Spam Protection
    5. Proactive Antivirus Security

Just thought I would share with other readers so that you can try out the new service if you would like it.

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